Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Smores Socks

The color of this fingering yarn is called smores. The earthy colors really do remind you of this treat. I will wear these socks when I catch up to my New England chat friends next summer at a campground, all the while roasting smores over an open flame while enjoying the smell of Maine’s pine trees.

If you’ve never had smores, it is a graham cracker topped with a marshmellow, chocolate and another graham cracker. The fun part is the “ooziness” of the marshmellow on your fingers as you quickly lick the perimeter of this great delicacy (dare I say!). I think I will revise this traditional recipe and add a dollop of strawberry jam.

Yes, there really is a candybar called “Smores”. I used this blog as an excuse to purchase the candy bar. I was feeling somewhat frustrated trying to take this picture in the correct indoor evening lighting. I was anxious to taste this candybar. It is delicious but I was surprised that it seems to have the taste of rum in it. Now, mind you, I am not a liquor conneisseur (I fall under the table after two drinks). So, perhaps you should taste it for yourself.

Well, I’ve been writing more about the candybar than the socks. The yarn is Merino wool and is extremely soft. I’ve yet to knit the 2nd sock as I suffer from the not so rare knitter’s malady of SSS (single sock syndrome). I actually belong to a knitting Yahoo group called SSS….sort of like a 12-step program. Ok…….I’m kidding about the 12-step program.


  1. Yummy! Now get crackin' on those SSs!!! ;)

  2. Chocolate and socks -- 2 of my favs!

  3. What Brand name is this 'yummy yarn' sold under?

    And for another variation on the recipe... my husband's family likes to spread peanut butter on one or both of the grahm crackers. ;)

  4. I LOVe S'mores! I especially like this yarn! Wherever did you find this?
    I think I've got some sport weight or fingering yarn for the BSJ.If I use fingering weight, I'll use a size 3 needle. Sportweight, I thought I'd try a size 6 needle.

  5. Smore socks! Well, they do look yummy! Just beautiful! I love the photograph, too!

  6. Those would go well with my chocolate slacks Joansie...Very pretty...

  7. That's a great colorway to go with a good pair of brown Birkis (said the Birkenstock fanatic).

  8. Nice yarn, nice sock. That's why I like sock groups. I won't show my socks until both are done. Besides, if I don't do the second sock, right away, I can't remember what I did on the first one. Now, on the other hand, let's not talk about shawls. That's another story. Renate

  9. Your sock looks great! My two girls would probably love to have S'more socks...they LOVE S'mores and always NEED s'more socks.

    I found your blog from Deb at luvsknitting. Now I want to learn socks too.
