Monday, January 4, 2010


Pattern:  Spiralucious
Yarn:  Baby Ull

I actually completed this neck warmer a couple months ago.  I had a question and spoke with Anne at "Knitspot" regarding my order.  The customer service was fantastic.  She has many, many beautiful patterns to select from.  I recommend you visit her site.  I also have the matching fingerless mitts pattern that will be cast on eventually.

This cowl drapes nicely on the neck.  I am very pleased with it.

One of my favorite things is this lavendar hand lotion and soap that I received for Christmas.   I visited this home business a couple of years ago and was very impressed.  "Greens and Goats Lotion and Soap"  It really is nice on these knitting hands.  The scent is gentle.

We broke the snow record of 1969 which was my first winter in Vermont.  We had 33.1 inches of snow yester.  Third place for snowfall was Valentine's 2009.  I have now experienced all three.

A little late in the day to take a pic but it gets quite dark by the time I get out of work.  This snowbank in town is quite high as you can tell by the street light.  Obviously, a plow is not able to handle this much snow so a front-end bucket loader does the job.

Here's another view!
Happy Knitting!


  1. Love the neck warmer!
    We don't have a lot of snow but boy it's cold.

  2. That is a lot of snow and cold. o.0

  3. Excellent neck warmer. Love the pix of the snow, puts out modest 8" into perspective.

  4. Oh my, and another storm is on the way. Suppose to hit here this afternoon and last through tomorrow evening (or night I forget). I'm already tried of cold and snow, :P.

  5. Well as far as snow is concerned you have us beat. The real snow stopped just west of us. Yeah! I love the color of the neckwarmer. Would fit my coloring just right. LOL. Renate

  6. WOW, that is indeed some snow my friend. We're getting some good snow today; but nothing like that. I did shovel the walk and tired, though I do enjoy doing that.

    Stay warm, and safe

  7. Love the cowl! Nix the snow!! Better you than me!

  8. Great photos and that cowl is just beautiful ! I gave my mom a lavender lotion and soap set for the holiday. I kept one for myself also !

  9. Yikes! We don't get that much snow, and I live at 6,800' in Colorado!

  10. WOW. SNOW!!! (You know, there's a *reason* we moved from NH to CA... Brrr...)

  11. Love the cowl pattern. Anne has the nicest patterns. I just got one in a sock yarn club and its great! Say warm and dry!

  12. Usually it's our side of the state that gets hammered with snow...
    Love that cowl. I've got her Maplewing shawl pattern that I'm dying to knit.
