Happy Knitting!
I must say that this video really touched my heart. It made my day!
I had to frog back about 5 rows on the sock I am working on. I knitted for awhile today, parked in my car while enjoying a beverage. The sunshine was wonderful.
I went to an indoor farmer's market for the first time. I had not gone before because parking was an issue. Now, I understand why. It was fantastic. There were many, many vendors, crafts, etc. with live entertainment on the stage.
Eggs were selling for $5/doz. (ouch!)
A simple baby bib sewn from cotton was selling for $12. I remember making mine from fingertip towels and adding ties to them for my girls.
Happy Knitting!
You can't tell from this picture but we were crossing our legs to the left, having our picture taken, then crossing our legs to the right, folks....another picture but through the magic of "cropping" I made sure my thighs were not visible. (giggle)
Happy Knitting!